District Info » Case Worker

Case Worker



At Charleston R-I School District, we are excited to have a School Case Worker. A school case worker works with families to address issues that affect a student's emotional well-being and academic performance.


Some of the ways our Case Worker is able to help families include:
  • Assisting parents to access programs available to students with special needs,
  • Assisting parents in accessing and utilizing school and community resources,
  • Working with problems in a child's living situation that affect the child’s adjustment in school,
  • Mobilizing family, school, and community resources to enable the child to learn as effectively as possible in his or her educational program,
  • Developing alternative programs for drop-outs, truants, delinquents, etc.,
  • Identifying and reporting child abuse and neglect,
  • Providing case management for students and families requiring multiple resources.

Need Help? 

Does your family need help with a basic need? Charleston R-I Schools might be able to help. Click below to access our Basic Needs Form:
Basic Needs Form

Helpful Links:

Family Resource List Crisis and Tragedy button

Other Student Services Departments:

Counselors button Parents As Teachers Nurses button   
Updated 2021-09