Fall Into Fitness (Nutrition Newsletter)

  1. Enjoy the weather. Cooler weather is a great time to exercise outdoors. Activities such as walking, hiking, cycling, and jogging can be enjoyed outdoors where the weather is cooler and the scenery is beautiful.

  2. Find ways to stay active when indoors. In the cooler months it can be easier to stay inside and be sedentary. Try walking in place or walking on a treadmill when watching TV. When a commercial comes on, do push-ups or stretching to keep moving. Staying active by doing household chores is another great way to keep moving.

  3. Dress in layers. When you begin exercising outdoors you may want that extra layer until your body warms up. Be sure you dress in layers so you can pull of a few items as your body warms up.

  4. Join a gym. When the weather begins to get cooler, joining a local gym can be a great way to stay in shape indoors. Take a tour of your local gyms and ask about membership fees and benefits.

  5. Make a plan. Mark on a calendar when you plan to exercise and stick to it! It takes about 2 months for a plan to become routine, so start now to stay successful through the cooler months.
Source: Prepared by Mississippi County Health Dept.