Request for Bids

The Charleston R-I School District is now accepting sealed bids on the following surplus/salvage property:
• One (1) 1999 Thomas School Bus
• One (1) 1993 Thomas School Bus
The vehicles are offered “AS IS” with no warranty.
The property can be seen by contacting the Charleston R-I Transportation Building or the Central Office.
Separate sealed bids, marked “Surplus/Salvage Property”, will be accepted at the Charleston R-I Central Office until 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 10, 2021.
The bids will be awarded at the Charleston R-I Board of Education Meeting on November 18, 2021. The Charleston R-I School District reserves the right to reject all bids.

Transportation Director: Bobby McKenzie
Phone: 573-683-6475 Fax: 573-683-2909

Transportation/Maintenance Building
1014 S. Main St.
Charleston, MO 63834

Central Office
311 E. Tom Brown
Charleston, MO 63834
P.O. Box 39

Phone: 573-683-3776
Fax: 573-683-2909
Email: [email protected]